The Nigerian Government has shut down Lafarge, a cement manufacturing company in Ewekoro, Ogun State, after an exclusive story by SaharaReporters on Friday. An employee of the company, who drove an Italian infected with Coronavirus with an ambulance to Lagos for medical attention, has also been arrested. A clinic situated inside the cement factory has also been shut down while staff are currently locked inside a room after fears grew that the Italian had been in contact with many persons in Ogun State before being rushed to Lagos for medical help. SaharaReporters had earlier given exclusive details of how the Italian found his way into Nigeria aboard Turkish Airlines on Monday, February 24, 2020 around 9:40pm as against February 25 claimed by the Lagos and Nigerian governments. The Italian is said not to have shown any signs of being infected with the virus at the time of his entry into the country but developed fever and body aches the next day ...